
by phil

If I buy plaster in powder form, what mixture do I use? I mean, how thick or thin should it be? It's just mixed with water isn't it?


If you go to (home) page) scroll down to the 1st video you'll see a demonstration.
When the whisk is pulled out the peak left behind should be about an 1 inch high.

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Dec 15, 2014
Setting time of plaster
by: Paul

Multi-finish plaster should stay workable for 40 minutes and take at least one and a half hours before setting. If it sets any quicker than this, it must be due to either dirty water or old plaster. Therefore if you are using clean tap water then try a new bag of plaster.
You do not need to add anything else.
Just make sure the suction on the wall is controlled either by damping down or through more coats of PVA as required.


Nov 14, 2014
plastering problems
by: ian

when i mix the plaster is goes off very quickly, do i just mix with water or do i add a plastersize mix in as well. i have pva the wall, but the mix in the bucket went off in minuets. do i have a out of date bag of plaster or am i doing it all wrong. help please.

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