Plastering Small Walls

hi paul,
I was just wondering if you have any advise for plastering smaller walls? I can get good results on larger walls but seem to struggle with smaller walls. I have tried using a 8 inch midget trowel but the results are poor. any tips? thanks

Hi Craig,

Once you've applied the plaster, don't be tempted to keep playing around with it - trying to get it too good too soon. Be content that you may have many trowel marks in but they will eventually come out. Sometimes it is best to fit smaller walls in with other areas so that you're occupied, and not tempted to keep trowelling it ahead of time. Give it time to go off - and if when you do come to trowel it - it's all a bit firm, lightly brush the surface with a wet brush - to smooth out and bring it back to life.


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Aug 14, 2017
Advice for Plastering
by: Rays Plastering Ltd

If you feel you struggle with smaller walls, you could always buy some plasterboard and try and achieve the finish you want by plastering over them first?

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