by Shaun
I have to plaster a chimney breast which had wooden beads. I have removed the beads and filled in the deep holes. What is the correct procedure for attaching the skim beads and then skimming them?
In this instance it will probably be best to stick them up - either using multi-finish or an adhesive such as 'gripfilll' or 'no nails'.
Using Finish Plaster
PVA the old existing plaster and run a thin amount of plaster approximately 2mm thick all the way up the corner, on both faces as wide as the skim bead. Push the skim bead in tightly to the corner and push plaster into all the holes so as to lock it in place. Ensure no plaster is sticking proud of the bead edge and that the bead is sitting squarely on the corner.
Using gripfill
As above except just a few blobs are needed every 8-10 inches or so.
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