by Andymounsey
Fixing skirting boards; before or after skim. I'm about to reskim a room and will be replacing skirts anyway. I was taught at college (20years ago on a Building HNC) that skirting boards were installed after undercoat but before skim. I've only ever worked on houses build pre 1970 and that seems to have been the way. Modern trend seems to be skim then "no nails" skirts. I'm thinking that a skirting board will give me a nice clean edge to work to at the bottom. Or is it just another edge to work upto and is it easier to fix after and just rough skim down to the floor?
It is always easier and general practice to skim down to within an inch of the floor and then fix skirting. However if you are re-skimming an old room and want to keep the existing skirting - then just skim down to them. This does take a bit more effort plastering - but lots less carpentry involved.
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