Firstly, just like to say thank you for a brilliant, helpful and informative website, it has definitely improved my skills as a sit plasterer! Looking to invest in a decent trowel, Marshallrown the obvious choice, but which one? I think 14" but still seems to be a few to chose from! Stainless or stainless gold?? What's the difference?
Many thanks
Hi Mark,
Before you go too big - remember that pressure is everything - to push the plaster accross the whole length of your trowel so that no hollow areas are left - to ensure a flat and even finish, can take some pushing!
However if you are confident in this technique, or have a strong arm then the 14 inch may work well. If not consider anthing from 11 inch to 13 inch.
Stainless steel trowels are great as they do not rust inbetween use, however they can bend and distort with continued pressure and use. The gold stainless stell should retain it's original shape for longer!
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