Wall - Backing Coat or Plasterboard?

by Jordan
(Blackburn )

I have a red brick interior wall and I'm wondering if I can plaster straight to it or do I have to use plasterboard .

You can apply plaster directly to the brickwork. However you need a backing - which can either be:
Backing coat plaster ( Details at https://www.diyplastering.co.uk/plasteringmaterials.html )

If you use a backing coat of plaster the brickwork may be very porous and suck the moisture out of the plaster too quickly - so controlling the suction is vital (https://www.diyplastering.co.uk/plasteringpreparation.html ).

Once you have applied the backing coat plaster or plasterboard you can then apply the skim coat of plaster to provide a nice smooth clean finish.

A few benefits of plaster backing coat:

Harder wearing
A thinner total thickness - Can be applied thinner - from a few millimetres up to 25mm no problem.
Easier for fixing to

A few benefits of plasterboard:

Can be easier to apply
Can be easier to apply the finish skim coat of plaster to

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